A Better Way to Natural Health program is designed to help you discover the underlying causes of these and other health issues that seem like they will never go away. It is not about suppressing symptoms, but about finding the underlying causes that are keeping you from feeling well and discovering what will help you get yourself back into a healthy balance. This is a virtual/online program to help you find a natural way of healing the body and returning you to wellness. You will receive monthly assessments with a Naturopathic Doctor, educational videos to help you understand your body better, and group coaching to keep you feeling well for life. How does this program work? It starts with one-on-one assessments. You will meet each month for 30-minutes with a Naturopathic Doctor to help track your wellness, give advice for lifestyle changes and nutritional supplementation, and help you understand how to find the underlying causes of your symptoms. This will be done virtually through kinesiological muscle testing techniques. You will have access to weekly educational videos to help you gain a better understanding of how your body works, and why you are feeling the way you are. These videos will also give some guidelines on what you can do to keep yourself feeling well and how nutrition and supplements can help you. We will have a monthly LIVE GROUP COACHING and discussion zoom meetings to answer any questions that you have, help you navigate the information that you are receiving and bring more understanding and guidance, while sharing your experiences with the others in the program. Each month there will be a new area of education: 1 – Understanding the Design of the Body/Learn how to Muscle Test for yourself 2- All about Digestion 3 –Opening your Detox and Drainage Pathways 4- Understanding your hormones 5- Finding your underlying causes 6- How to test yourself, your food, and other substances PICK A PAYMENT PLAN AND REGISTER TODAY!